Cuomo’s Team Attacks A.G.’s Sexual Harassment Report

NEW YORK, NY - NOVEMBER 13: New York Governor Andrew Cuomo speaks during a press conference to discuss Amazon's decision to bring a new corporate location to New York City, November 13, 2018 in New York City. (Image: Getty)

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s legal team attacked Attorney General Letitia James’ report that found he sexually harassed 11 women.

Paul Fishman, one of Cuomo’s attorneys, claims that James’ office failed to provide a copy of the report to Cuomo’s office and to “the people whose conduct would be discussed.”

Cuomo’s attorney Rita Glavin added that the investigation was “conducted in a manner to support a predetermined narrative.”

When asked how Cuomo’s accusers would be protected from potential public backlash/retaliation, Glavin answered: “People are not going to be retaliated against by Governor Cuomo.”

James responded to these comments on Friday, saying that Cuomo’s team “attacked the credibility” of his accusers.

Fabien Levy, press secretary and senior adviser to James, added: “The independent investigators selected are widely respected professionals, recognized for their legal and investigatory ability. To attack this investigation and attempt to undermine and politicize this process takes away from the bravery displayed by these women.”

Debra Katz, the attorney representing Charlotte Bennett, one of Cuomo’s accusers, claims that Cuomo “has made clear he will continue his fight to stay in power, caring not at all about the people he has hurt and the consequences of his actions.”

Since the release of James’ report, one of Cuomo’s accusers has anonymously filed a criminal complaint against the Democratic governor. Cuomo has denied that he inappropriately touched his accuser.

Cuomo’s attorneys were asked if they are concerned about the complaint, to which they responded: “Not in the least. There’s no evidence.”

According to the report, the woman, identified only as “Executive Assistant 1,” claimed that Cuomo grabbed her buttocks during hugs and a photo.

She also alleges that Cuomo grabbed her breast at the governor’s mansion on November 16, 2020. “And I remember thinking to myself who—I knew what just went on, I knew and he knew too that was wrong,” the accuser said, according to the report. “And that I in no way, shape or form invited that nor did I ask for it. I didn’t want it. I feel like I was being taken advantage of.”

The woman also said that Cuomo kissed her on the cheek several times (and once on the lips in early 2020).

Rich Azzopardi, a senior adviser to Cuomo, responded to the complaint on Friday. “As we said previously, we proactively made a referral nearly four months ago in accordance with state policies,” he said.


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