New dad Lee Latchford-Evans hadn't changed nappies before

Lee Latchford-Evans had "never changed a nappy in [his] life" before his son was born.

The Steps singer and his wife Kerry-Lucy welcomed baby Leo into the world last month and the 46-year-old star has already proven to be a hands-on dad as his spouse has been struggling to move around easily after undergoing a caesarian section.

Lee admitted: "I’d never changed a nappy in my life and then within two days I’d changed about 12.

"I did a lot more than I thought I was going to do. Kerry likes to look after people, that’s her natural instinct. So for Kerry not to be able to do anything was quite frustrating for her. You could see she just wanted to help. But now she can carry him around and hold him and move a bit better. We’re a good team."

Kerry added: "Lee’s been amazing. Because I had to have a C-section and I couldn’t move or get out of bed, Lee changed all the nappies and did the feeds [in the beginning]."

The couple chose the name Leo early in Kerry-Lucy's pregnancy, and later discovered another special significance to the moniker.

Lee explained to Britain's OK! magazine: "He does look like a Leo and he can pull it off. When I told my mum about the name she told us a story we didn’t know. It has a double meaning for me now, because my grandad never actually knew his real father and the man that raised him was called Leo and my nan’s maiden name was Lyon. So there are a few links there."

The tot's middle names are William and Keith in honour of his grandparents.

Kerry-Lucy said: "I’ve always loved the name William and I know how much Lee’s dad meant to both of us and he would have been such a huge part of Leo’s life, so to have that name in there really meant a lot.

"With my dad, we said Leo could be our only child, because it took so long for us to have a baby, so we thought, let’s put both of them in there."

Lee added: "We don’t know if it’s going to happen again and the reality is Kerry’s father Keith will be a massive part of Leo’s life. It’ll be nice to say your middle names are after your grandads. And the first middle name is after your grandad who you’ll never meet, but we can tell you about him and carry that name on, which is really nice."

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