Russell Brand's animal sanctuary home

Russell Brand's home is overrun with animals.

The 46-year-old comedian lives with his wife Laura, 34, and their children Mabel, four, and Peggy, three, in Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire, and Laura revealed their home has been taken over by pets.

She told the Daily Mail's Eden Confidential column: "We've got two dogs, eight cats and five chickens. One of our cats had six kittens — but they're not tiny any more. They're all over the place. But we're mad and fell in love with all of them."

Russell's love for animals is well known; he has been a vegetarian since he was 14 and changed to a completely vegan diet in 2011 for two years. After reverting to vegetarianism for a number of years, he revealed in 2019 that he had once again decided to embrace a vegan diet.

He previously said: "I was nagged into veganism by society… I was vegetarian from when I was a little kid, 14, because of The Smiths and because of like ‘oh, they do what in factory farms?’.

"You know, like, it was too brutal. And then my mate Simon Amstell, he’s a very good comedian, made a film called 'Carnage' which sort of talked about like in 50 years people will look back and go ‘f****** hell they ate animals’.”

He cited Kip Anderson’s documentary 'What The Health' for turning vegan, explaining: "He showed how the diabetes, heart, and cancer foundation of America were funded by sort of meat and dairy and egg industries, and like they give the advice on what foods are healthy.

"We’re not meant to eat any of that. It was all a big f****** mad coup. So, the reason to become vegan, it was sort of anger actually, thinking about it now. And I’m still angry because I’m f****** starving."

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