Tweet of the Week #144: Naoshima’s Pumpkin Blown Away by Typhoon Lupit

Avant-garde artist Yayoi Kusama’s Yellow Pumpkin, a symbol of Naoshima, an island dedicated to contemporary art, was unfortunately swept away by the waves when the strong winds of Typhoon Lupit hit the coast.

Battered by the high tide waves, the iconic sculpture smashed against the pier while the Benesse Art Site staff stood by powerless. The pumpkin eventually reached the shore but sustained some severe damages. It has now been recovered and is under the care of the Benesse Art Site.

No one knows yet why Art Site employees didn’t move the pumpkin as they usually do when the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) announces nasty weather. Still, Japan Twitter was buzzing with tweets of the poor pumpkin being tossed by waves.

Poor pumpkin





The pumpkin this morning.

The waves are awful!”

Is Naoshima ok?





“Looks like Yayoi Kusama’s pumpkin got washed away…


The picture is before it was washed away.

I wonder if Naoshima is okay.”

The symbol of Naoshima


“The symbol of Naoshima is… #Typhoon9”

They didn’t carry it away?


“By the way, when I heard about this, I was like, ‘What?!’ I thought the yellow pumpkin in Naoshima was glued to the ground, but I heard that it can be lifted and carried away during typhoons to prevent it from being swept away.”

Typhoons don’t have names in Japan

You’re also expected to go to work during a typhoon.

While the English media reported on Typhoon Lupit, you may have noticed that Japanese news referred to Typhoon N°9. In Japan, typhoons are not named but numbered. Thus, Typhoon N°9 is the ninth typhoon of 2021.

The only exception to the rule is when a typhoon has been particularly powerful and devastating, in which case the Japan Meteorological Agency will give it a memorable name. That was the case twice in September and October 2019, with Faxai and Hagibis typhoons. The JMA has officially named only a handful of typhoons since 1954.


直島	naoshima	Naoshima
波	nami	Wave
草間彌生	kusama yayoi	Artist Yayoi Kusama
流される	nagasareru	Be swept away
画像	gazou	Picture
台風9号	taifuu kyuu gou	Typhoon N°9
初めて聞いたとき	hajimete kiita toki	The first time I heard…
地面	jimen	Ground
接着される	secchakusareru	Be glued
固定される	koteisareru	Be fixed
持ち上げる	mochiageru	Raise, lift
運べる	hakoberu	Can be carried

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