Robin Wright reveals secret survival skills

Robin Wright has numerous survival skills and even knows how to skin a deer.

The 55-year-old actress spent her childhood touring America and setting up camp in various States when on vacation with her parents Fred and Mary.

Robin learned how to erect a tent, chop wood and even hunt deer and then prepare the carcass for that evening's meal by the campfire.

In an interview with Italian publication IO Donna, she said: "I've always liked being surrounded by nature, I've been camping all my life, since I was a child, with my family, touring our country in a tent.

"I know how to chop wood, kill a deer, skin it, smoke its meat and cook it on the grill ... Finding yourself in the end with your hands covered with blisters (laughs), it's not easy to control it, nature!"

Robin's most recent role came in drama movie 'Land', which was also her directorial debut.

In the movie, the 'House of Cards' star plays Edee Holzer, a middle-aged woman who retreats to an isolated cabin in the Wyoming wilderness after experience a painful tragedy.

Robin shot the film in the Rocky Mountains and she admits that even an experienced outdoors woman like herself wasn't prepared for the rough conditions, and food-raiding bears.

She explained: "Of course, this in the Rocky Mountains was a different experience: at night, in the base camp cabin, it was frightening to hear the winds at 75mph and the bears roar. The bears then tried to get into the food service truck.

"We also went from 24 degrees to sudden frost, hail and snow, we had to run to wrap ourselves up, changing scene and season on set in less than an hour!"

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