GEN Ruler: "Fans may see our drafts to be one-dimensional, but the picks we pull out are our best picks, based on our own research."

On day 45 of the 2021 LCK Summer split, Gen.G defeated NS RedForce 2-0 and ended their regular split run in 2nd place. Due to such, they will be seeded directly into round 2 of the 2021 LCK Summer playoffs, where they await one of the winners of round 1 in the playoffs.

The mid and bot laner of Gen.G, Gwak “Bdd” Bo-seong and Park “Ruler” Jae-hyuk respectively, joined the press room for a post-match interview.

With tonight’s victory over NS, Gen.G finished the regular split in 2nd place. How do you feel?

Ruler: It would’ve been better if we played better to get first place, but I’m relieved that we ended in 2nd place. I’d like to thank all the teams that beat all our competitors [laughter].

Bdd: I never dreamed that we’d get 2nd place, so I’m still in awe that we finished so high in the standings.

Gen.G’s now 7-0 against NS. How do you reflect on tonight’s victory over them?

Bdd: I think that we can beat any team, but can also lose to any team. I feel that we have an edge over them in laning, so I felt that we’d have an easier time winning tonight.

Ruler: In an earlier interview, deokdam said that the team was able to win because he played well. I think he still has a long way to go [laughter].

From 1st place to dropping all the way down to 5th place in the standings, Gen.G’s split was a rocky one.

Ruler: There were a lot of weird wins, and even though I felt we were far from perfect during our massive win streak, I didn’t think that we’d drop so low in the standings. Now that we’re in 2nd place, we’re going to practice hard to be better.

Is there a particular match that you remember this split?

Bdd: In game 3 of our series against Liiv SANDBOX in round 1, we had to come back from a huge deficit to close out the series because of mistakes made in the laning phase. On another note, losing to DWG KIA in round 1 and falling into the slump was very… memorable.

Gen.G looked weaker when the team faced some of the playoff teams. What are some of the things that the team needs to overcome to find success in the playoffs?

Bdd: Communication. All the good teams communicate well to find their next moves in-game, but I think that our team still falls short in that regard.

Ruler: I agree. I think that we’re lacking depth in our macro compared to other playoff teams.

There’s been a lot of criticism towards Gen.G’s drafts due to how one-dimensional and predictable they are. How do you respond to this sentiment?

Ruler: We have our own problems as a team. Fans may see our drafts to be one-dimensional, but the picks we pull out are our best picks, based on our own research.

Is there a team that you’d like to meet in the playoffs?

Ruler: I don’t know which team we’re going to face, but we did lose to T1 in both round 1 & 2 of the regular split, so I want to face them. I’m confident in our ability to beat any team that comes to face us in the playoffs.

Lastly, a word to your fans.

Ruler: No matter how rocky our journey has been, we finished 2nd place, so we’ll make sure to practice to be better.

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