[Guide] How to play Fortnite's new "Imposters" mode

Source: Epic Games

Fortnite dropped a brand new game mode in Tuesday's update called "Fortnite Imposters." Thenew party mode draws heavily on mechanics popularized in games like Among Us and the Trouble in Terrorist Town mod. For those who are looking to check out the new Imposters mode, here is everything you need to know to get started!

How to play Fortnite's Imposter mode

Just like in Among Us and other similar imposter-style games, the Imposters mode will assign players to one of two teams, either the legit "Imagined Order" team referred to as the Agents, or the imposter's team that will be looking to eliminate the agents.

Games with eight or more players will feature two imposters, while games with fewer than eight players will only contain a single imposter.

For the Agent team to win, they will need to either sus out the imposters or complete a series of Fortnite-related assignments like repairing battle busses, delivering reports on the storm, and other assignments. If enough of these tasks are completed before all of the non-imposter agents are killed, the Agent team will win the game.

For the imposter team to win, they will have to kill all of the Agents in time without being discovered and killed themselves. In addition to of course being able to murder agents, imposters can also sabotage players from completing their assignments in various ways, including disabling assignments, teleporting all of the players to a new location, or turning everyone into the Peely skin to blend in.

When a murdered player is found, players will be able to call a meeting to discuss who done it, and who is the most sus. Players can also call a meeting by going to the Bridge Center room, just like in Among Us. At the end of each meeting, players will be able to vote someone off.

By default, there is no public chat in Imposters, but players can use emotes and a special Quick Chat menu to accuse fellow players. If you are playing in a private party, obviously you can also use a chat service like Discord as an alternative.

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