Chicago Cubs' Top 5 Prospects Post-Trade Deadline

At this year’s trade deadline, the squad was busy selling. They traded away four of their stars, including Kris Bryant to the San Francisco Giants, Anthony Rizzo to the New York Yankees, Javier Baez to the New York Mets, and Craig Kimbrel to the Chicago White Sox. Because of this, the Cubs received some great prospects in all of these deals, which should help the struggling franchise in the future.

This team has an amazing farm system that includes many players who can fill in key positions in the years to come. In addition to their existing system, Chicago acquired young stars like Alexander Canario, Caleb Kilian, and Alexander Vizcaino.

With a strong pipeline in place, the Cubs have many players that they can look forward to in the coming years. Here are the top five prospects who will help lift the group off its feet.

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1. Brailyn Marquez, Left-Handed-Pitcher

Fastball: 80
Changeup: 55
Slider: 60
Control: 55

Overall: 60

Marquez, who was signed in 2015, started his career with the DSL Cubs in 2016 and flourished with an ERA of 1.48. The pitcher then bounced around from Low-A to High-A until the 2021 MLB season, when he made his debut. On Sept. 27, 2020, Marquez faced the Chicago White Sox and finished his appearance with 0.2 innings pitched, two hits, three walks, one strikeout, and five earned runs. Marquez has not pitched yet in this year’s 2021 season due to a left shoulder strain.

Marquez is a left-handed flamethrowing pitcher. He has a fastball that ranges from 96 to 98 mph, a great mid-80s slider, and a solid low-90s changeup. Although Marquez will probably end up in the bullpen, he still has time to develop as a starting pitcher.

ETA: 2021

2. Brennen Davis, Outfielder

Hit: 60
Power: 60
Run: 65
Field: 60
Arm: 60

Overall: 60

Davis was drafted 62nd overall by the Cubs in the 2018 MLB Draft. He started off his career in the Cubs’ Rookie league and flourished with a .298 batting average and 17 home runs. In 2019, he was called up to the Single-A squad but appeared in just 50 games due to an injured right index finger. Now, the star outfielder is shining bright with the Double-A Tenessee Smokies; in 2021, he has amassed a .270 average, .390 OBP, .515 SLG, and 10 home runs.

Davis is a great option for the Cubs in the years to come. He has impressive speed, power, and can hit to the opposite field. He can also play almost anywhere in the outfield, so he should frequently make an impact.

ETA: 2022

3. Miguel Amaya, Catcher

Hit: 55
Power: 55
Run: 40
Field: 65
Arm: 60

Overall: 60

Amaya was signed by the Cubs in 2015. In 2016, the catcher started his career on the DSL roster. The young superstar went from Single-A to High-A before climbing to the Double-A Smokies in 2021. He is slashing .215/.406/.304 with one home run.

Amaya has an amazing arm behind the plate and can also frame and block pitches well. Since the young star is only 22 years old, he still has plenty of time for even further improvement. Specifically, his offense would benefit from additional work. The Cubs hope that Amaya can turn into a star down the road.

ETA: 2021

4. Cristian Hernandez, Shortstop

Hit: 60
Run: 65
Field: 60
Power: 60
Arm: 60

Overall: 60

During the 2020-21 international signing period, Hernandez inked with the Cubs at the young age of 17. This season, Hernandez is playing for the DSL Cubs and owns a line of .234/.354/.328. Some think that the shortstop is one of the best in this class, even comparing him to Alex Rodriguez and Manny Machado.

Hernandez has great power and bat speed which will mold him into a star. On the field, he is quick and has a great arm. It’s early in his career to make too many predictions, but it seems that he will develop quickly. This team has an amazing shortstop to look forward to.

ETA: 2025

5. Ed Howard, Shortstop

Hit: 55
Run: 60
Field: 65
Power: 55
Arm: 60

Overall: 60

Howard was drafted 16th overall by the Cubs back in 2020. He is now playing for the Low-A Myrtle Beach Cubs and is slashing .188/.241/.254 with two home runs, 15 RBI, and 13 walks. Howard was widely considered the best shortstop in his draft class when drafted.

The 19-year-old has great hands and a great arm at shortstop. He has decent power and speed while also possessing the capability to develop into an amazing fielder with a solid bat. With Javier Baez gone, Howard could be the organization’s next true franchise shortstop.

ETA: 2024

Other Key Prospects

Pete Crow-Armstrong, Outfielder Alexander Canario, Outfielder Kohl Franklin, Right-Handed-Pitcher

What Does the Future Hold?

It seems that the struggling Cubbies have a great future ahead of them. They have plenty of young and talented prospects who can develop into stars. From shortstop to the outfield to the mound, these players will light a spark in the squad’s clubhouse.

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