Hilaria Baldwin: I'm lucky to have my two rainbow babies

Hilaria Baldwin feels “lucky” to have had “two rainbow babies” following two miscarriages.

The 37-year-old health and wellness expert welcomed her two youngest children – Eduardo, 11 months, and Maria Lucia, five months – after experiencing two devastating losses in April and November 2019.

Hilaria – who has Eduardo and Maria, as well as Carmen, eight, Rafael, six, Leonardo, four, and Romeo, three, with her husband Alec Baldwin – has said she “will always be sad” about her losses, but noted her two newest arrivals have helped to ease her pain.

She wrote on Instagram: "When I lost my babies in 2019, I will always remember thinking my tears would never stop. I will always be sad, they still flow from time to time, and I hold this sadness written permanently in the pages of my life's book. I also welcome and rejoice in my two rainbow babies, feeling that I am such a lucky mama.

"We open and heal out loud not only for ourselves, but to let our sisters know that they are not alone. My mantra was: I'm not ok, but I want to be ok. This hurts, I want to process, I'll allow myself to vent the pain, and I want to see the beauty in life again.

"I do think that touching such darkness makes us see the light differently - not better - just differently. I love you all, I support you all, and may you know that I am with you - there are many of us. you are not alone."

Hilaria previously spoke about her losses earlier this year, as she said that while she is "so blessed" with her six children, she “thinks of the babies [she] lost daily”.

She said at the time: "Resigned and respectful of how my life has unfolded. Allowing for gratitude and grief, wholeness and longing to be the dualities of my reality. We all have different fertility/infertility stories and there are so many ways we can become parents.

"Being a parent truly is caring in the deepest way for another soul ... through that giving energy we nurture ourselves and fill the world with love. I am just as much a mother to my Angel babies as I am to the ones I can physically hold in my arms."

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