Future Of Work Demands Greater Tech Investments

ONVU Technologies Group COO analyzes technology’s role in the future of work and says AI is a key investment companies must consider.

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The Future Of Work

The 'future of work' has been quickly ushered in as the pandemic forced companies to go remote and rethink previous requirements as to “where” and “when” work was done.

With 55% of businesses globally offering some capacity for remote work, this new way of working looks poised to continue beyond the pandemic, with some questioning where technology ties into this new workforce to meet employers’ needs.

With companies worldwide making new investments in new technologies, it is clear that those who accept the innovation of today will outperform - and outlast - those who do not. Per Scott Brothers, Chief Group Operating Officer at ONVU Technologies, technology serves to help streamline processes and increase team productivity - with advancing technology like AI serving to empower the human workforce.

“AI can help streamline and speed up processes that take much longer for human operators to process, as well as improving the margin for errors by many factors. AI is a long-term investment that learns and improves as it operates, and businesses will start to see a return on the investment.” ~ Brothers

He adds that as this new work culture continues to take hold, organizations must expand their workplace flexibility options and rethink their technology investments to maintain market share.

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