Adrian Grenier hints at Entourage revival

Adrian Grenier is open to reviving 'Entourage'.

The 45-year-old actor starred on the HBO comedy-drama series between 2004 and 2011, and Adrian admits he'd be keen to make a return one day.

Asked about possibly reviving the hit show, he told 'Entertainment Tonight': "It’s a tough question because I think, societally-speaking, we’re dealing with a lot of serious issues and we’re taking things very seriously, which is important.

"But there’s also a very important role for comedy. What do they say? 'Comedy is tragedy plus time?' So I think we don’t want to lose our ability to laugh and make fun of ourselves and not take life so seriously, because laughter is funny and poking fun is an important way to find truth at the same time.

"And 'Entourage' was, I think, a really spot-on, comedic reflection of our culture at the time. So I think if 'Entourage' could continue to take a look at the world and be honest about, ‘What is?’ It’s gonna be funny too."

Adrian - who played Vincent Chase on the show - recently moved to Texas in a bid to embrace nature.

The actor explained that he wanted to "get more grounded in [his] life" and that motivated his decision to relocate.

Speaking about the move, he explained: "I'm just trying to get away from 5G.

"I did make a conscious choice to get more into nature, get more grounded in my life.

"There's something about our digital lives that disconnect us from the world, ironically, even though it connects us from the entire world, it disconnects us from that immediate intimacy with one another and with nature. Yeah, that's part of my choice."

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