Jussie Smollett not allowed to call prosecutor as a witness in attack case

Jussie Smollett will not be allowed to call the Chicago prosecutor who dropped his alleged hoax charges as a witness in his case.

The 39-year-old actor was issued with a 16-count felony indictment for filing a false police report after he claimed he was the victim of a shocking racist and homophobic attack in Chicago in 2019, as it was alleged he knew two men investigated over the incident and claims were made that he had staged the attack.

Jussie’s initial charges were dropped by Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx’s office in the same month they were filed, but in February 2020 he was indicted once again for allegedly staging the attack.

And on Thursday (26.08.21) a judge in his case ruled the former ‘Empire’ star would not be allowed to call the prosecutor who dropped the first case as a witness in the new one.

Jussie’s legal team also cannot mention various lawsuits linked to his case, although they can tell jurors about an AR-15 and other guns that were discovered after police searched the home of the two brothers - Abel and Ola Osundario - who allegedly attacked the actor.

As of the time of writing, no trial date has been set.

Meanwhile, Jussie said last year he wished he could "yell from the rooftop" about his ongoing criminal case with the city of Chicago.

Addressing the case on Instagram Live, Jussie explained: "It's been beyond frustrating because to be somebody that's so outspoken ... it's been difficult to be so quiet.

"To not be able to say all of the things that you want to say, to not be able to yell from the rooftop.”

Despite maintaining his innocence, Jussie isn't feeling optimistic about his case, saying the city of Chicago "won't let this go".

The actor also fears the court could seek to make an "example" of him.

Jussie said: "They won't let this go. It doesn't matter. There is an example being made.

"And the sad thing is that there's an example being made of someone that did not do what they're being accused of."

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