Mark Hoppus' hair growing back

Mark Hoppus' hair is growing back.

The Blink-182 star - who revealed in June he's been diagnosed with an aggressive form of lymphoma - lost his locks due to chemotherapy and though his treatment has left him feeling "terrible", he's trying to stay positive and has seen the funny side of the small amount of hair that's emerged on his scalp.

Sharing a photo of his scalp following his fifth round of chemo, he wrote on Instagram: "Hahaha. Look at this trash. This is the top of my head right now. This is what God sees when He looks down upon His work and despairs.

"Cancer-ass head trying to grow back some hair. Awww. Poor little head. Keep your chin up, fighter. Feeling terrible this week but trying to stay positive and count my blessings."

The 49-year-old rocker has been left exhausted from the treatment and has no plans to stray further than his lounge.

He added: "I hope everyone is doing great, staying healthy, and being kind to each other. If anyone needs me, I'll be on the couch for the foreseeable future."

In July, Mark shared his joy that the chemotherapy had seemingly had a positive impact for him.

He tweeted: “Scans indicate that the chemo is working! I still have months of treatment ahead, but it’s the best possible news.

“I’m so grateful and confused and also sick from last week’s chemo. But the poison the doctors pump into me and the kind thoughts and wishes of people around me are destroying this cancer. Just gonna keep fighting… (sic)”

The 'What's My Age Again?' hitmaker previously vowed to conceal his hairloss with the "absolute worst toupee" to see how people would react.

He said: “I want to get the absolute worst toupee, so that it’s obviously not my hair, and just walk around and see how people look at me.”

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