Kerry Katona 'gives up her new Rottweiler'

Kerry Katona has given up her new Rottweiler after the dog reportedly injured her 13-year-old son.

The 40-year-old star paid £20,000 for the protection dog called Thor, but she's already decided to let him go after her son Max suffered an injury in their family garden.

One of Kerry's neighbours told The Sun on Sunday newspaper: "Max was playing with Thor in the garden.

"As the game went on the dog grew more boisterous before suddenly lashing out.

"Max started shouting as the dog tore into his arm, leaving him with bad scratches.

"Luckily, he stopped before Max was seriously hurt. But after that, Kerry, understandably, decided he wasn’t a good fit for the family."

Kerry returned Thor to Ambassador Protection Dogs, which trained and sold him, following the incident with Max.

A source claimed that "other issues" had also contributed to Kerry's decision, but the former pop star has disputed some aspects of the report.

Meanwhile, Kerry recently admitted to feeling "humiliated" during her appearance on 'Celebrity SAS: Who Dares Wins' .

The former Atomic Kitten star was told to strip down to her knickers for the Channel 4 show, and she's admitted to hating the experience.

She said: "For me, it's a bit humiliating having to strip in front of everybody. There’s a camera crew, loads of men, and they’re all looking at you.

"I kept my knickers on, I felt really uncomfortable straight away. But that's what this show is about, they want to strip you absolutely bare and then kind of build you back up again, I guess."

Kerry felt "nervous" about going on the show. However, she was also aware of what she was getting herself involved with.

She said: "I honestly thought I could handle the mental torture because I know I’m a tough girl.

"I’ve been knocked down so many times, I’m so resilient and no one can deny that, I’ve been knocked and knocked and knocked, I’ve got back up every single f****** time.

"I will decide when I want to or do not get back up again, that's my decision. I knew exactly what I was getting myself in for. I was nervous about it, but I like the challenge."

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