Sarah Harding fans launch memorial page raising money for breast cancer research

Sarah Harding's fans have set up a memorial page to raise money for breast cancer research.

The Girls Aloud singer passed away on Sunday (05.09.21) at the age of 39 after a devastating cancer battle, and now her supporters have found a fitting way to pay tribute to her memory.

Following the tragic news, the @SarahAddicts fan page wrote: "Hi guys we’ve been in touch with Sarah’s management and they thought it’d be a lovely idea to set up a just giving memorial page for @TheChristieNHS in Sarah’s name."

Already, the page - which can be found at - has raised over £1,600 from almost 100 people.

Meanwhile, The Christie is planning research into preventing breast cancer among women aged 30 to 39 with no family history of the disease, and this will be partly funded by proceeds raised by Sarah's single 'Wear It Like a Crown'.

She brought out the track in March this year to raise money for the cancer treatment cancer, and the hospital has now said in a statement: "Sarah was extremely passionate about breast cancer research and spoke often of the importance of funding this."

The late singer's mother broke the tragic news of her death over the weekend, and revealed she died after the disease spread to her spine.

In a message posted on Sarah’s Instagram, her mum Marie wrote: “It’s with deep heartbreak that today I’m sharing the news that my beautiful daughter Sarah has sadly passed away.

“Many of you will know of Sarah’s battle with cancer and that she fought so strongly from her diagnosis until her last day. She slipped away peacefully this morning.

“I’d like to thank everyone for their kind support over the past year. It meant the world to Sarah and it gave her great strength and comfort to know she was loved. I know she won’t want to be remembered for her fight against this terrible disease – she was a bright shining star and I hope that’s how she can be remembered instead.”

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