Alexi Lalas: Romeo Beckham's famous name will provide 'barriers'

Romeo Beckham's famous surname will be both a blessing and a curse in his soccer career.

The 19 year old - who is the son of former England FC captain David Beckham and his wife Victoria - recently signed his first professional contract with American side Fort Lauderdale, the sister team of his father's club Inter Miami.

And while retired MLS player Alexi Lalas acknowledged the teenager's heritage will have "opened doors" for him, he also warned the family link will provide Romeo with some "barriers" to overcome.

Alexi said of the Beckham name: "It opens doors for you but it also can provide some barriers for you so as long as he appreciates the opportunity he has and does the work, I'm all for it.

"We all have our different opportunities and our different privileges and our different advantages in life. That's just the way life is. Life isn't fair and soccer isn't fair but it's what you do with 'em and, obviously, you have to appreciate him and respect him."

Alexi also insisted Romeo's famous name can only take him so far as he'll need to prove himself with talent and commitment.

He added to TMZ Sports: "I think he recognised that some doors may have been opened for him but they only stay open so long. If you don't have the chops, they'll kick your ass right out."

The Fox Sports analyst admitted Romeo will face added pressure from fans' expectations because of his link to David, though he doesn't think it will bother him.

He said: "Probably not easy running around with that name on the back of your jersey.

"I don't think he's worried about that. I certainly don't think his father's worried about that.

"As long as he's having a good time and he's good, he can be his own man and figure it out himself."

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