How can I use Twitter's newly launched 'Communities'?

Twitter wants to gather its users around real communities. The social network unveiled this week a new facet of its platform with "Communities." A new way to discuss and exchange with users sharing the same interests. How do you use it? We tell you everything.

"Some conversations aren't for everyone, just the people who want to talk about the thing you want to talk about," Twitter. outlined. To provide a more enjoyable and engaging setting, the platform has launched "Communities," a new way to use the social network. Users will soon have the option to tweet only to members of the same community, i.e., followers who share the same interests.  "We want to continue to support public conversation and help people find Communities that match their interests, while also creating a more intimate space for conversation."

For now, the new Twitter feature is in test phase and only available for users of the application on iOS and on the web. It will soon be available on Android.

How does it work?

It is the moderators who will choose the theme of their community and enforce their rules, in compliance with those of Twitter: "Right now, you have to be invited to a Community by a moderator or another member, but we'll be adding more ways to discover and join Communities soon," said the social network.

Twitter has only allowed a few people to create Communities but has promised to roll out this option to all its users "in the coming months":  "Communities we're testing surround popular conversations on Twitter. Examples include dogs, weather, sneakers, skincare, and astrology, with many more to come, reflecting more of the thriving and niche discussions on Twitter." 

However, you can signal your interest in the creation of a significant community by filling out an online form here. Twitter will then review the request.

Twitter has been steadily unveiling features to improve its moderation on its platform. In the face of numerous hateful and harassing comments, the social network has made the safety of its users a priority: "We'll continue to do research, scenario plan, and work with outside experts including our Trust and Safety Council to keep people safe with Communities."

Tweets posted in a "Community" will not be visible on the user's news feed, allowing for greater freedom and reassuring the most fearful users.

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