Apex Legends servers still broken after Respawn claimed to have fixed them

Many players are currently unable to log into EA servers to play Apex Legends, following the release of Patch 10.1 on Tuesday. Respawn confirmed they knew about the issue on Tuesday morning, but claimed to have already solved it in the early afternoon. And yet, the author of this article and many others still can't seem to log into Apex Legends, indicating that the issue remains.

Large numbers of players who attempted to log in on Tuesday reported that they can't get into an actual lobby. Instead, they are greeted by the message 'unable to log in to EA servers' then the game has the audacity to blame the player's internet connection, saying 'please check your internet connection, and try again.'

While many players are looking for how to fix the login issue, there doesn't seem to be anything you can do on the client-side to resolve this problem. So those who can't log in now will have to wait for Respawn to fix it for real this time.

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