Destiny 2 dev thinks Witch Queen is perfect entry point for new fans

'Destiny 2' developer Bungie thinks the new 'Witch Queen' expansion is a perfect entry point for fans.

The studio has acknowledged that the game - with its expansions, campaigns and seasons - can be overwhelming for new players, which can be a struggle even for those coming in from the free 'New Light' campaign.

Speaking to GameSpot, game director Joe Blackburn said: "So we really want to start attacking all of our systems that are sprawled out in the complexity and find out, 'Okay, this is the stuff that's working for us. What's the stuff that feels like corruption now? How can we get rid of that?'...

"And then that the really good thing for us with our big beats is that that question becomes really easy to answer when you start talking about the 'Witch Queen'.

"And that we really think about that a lot as the 'Witch Queen' as a great place to come back into Destiny or get into it because if you're into it for the first time, it's like, 'Okay, I should do this thing.'

"And then you're going to get dumped into the first mission of the Witch Queen."

That said, Blackburn admitted the seasonal structure can be daunting and difficult to wrap your head around if you're coming in at a later point.

He explained: "That can be really intimidating for a player that's coming in season 15, now. And so, we're always working on tweaks in UI and UX.

"So you can always feel like, 'Okay, this is the thing that my friends are talking about. I want to get this done and maybe I'll go play around with some stuff that they did three years ago in the background, but here's what I need to be doing to stay relevant.'"

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