This winter, carry your skis by bike!

The French cargo bike specialist Yuba presents an ingenious accessory that attaches to its bikes to carry skis. This solution will be available as a limited edition and is compatible with only two cargo bike models for the moment. However, it could help inspire other manufacturers, and possibly even make cycling heway to get around winter sports resorts.

This new accessory, called the Ski Rack, is billed as being particularly light so as not to hinder the bike's rider. The system, which includes a Thule SnowPack M ski rack, can hold up to four pairs of skis, all securely fastened to the back of the bike, again without affecting passenger comfort.

While cycling is increasingly popular in city centers, it should also be encouraged in the countryside or, as is the case here, in the mountains. The aim is, of course, to be able to move around a resort easily while keeping CO2 emissions to a minimum.

For the moment, this Yuba solution is only compatible with the Spicy Curry and the Spicy Curry AT (All Terrain) models, two particularly stable electric bicycles with long-frame designs, available from €5,289 (about $6,100).

The Ski Rack will be available at the end of November 2021, in a limited edition of just a few dozen units, priced €250 (about $290).

© Agence France-Presse