Human Rights body denounces attacks on Kashmiri students

Newscraving Desk:


A noted human rights body, International Forum for Justice Human Rights JK (IFJHR) has denounced the assault on several Kashmiri students across India.

Chairman of the IFJHRJK Muhammad Ahsan Untoo denounced the thrashing of Kashmiri students in the colleges of Punjab.

He termed it the handiwork of right wing groups like Vishvi hindu Parishad and Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sena.

He said that not only in different parts of India, but in Jammu as well people have been spewing venom against the people of Kashmir.

Untoo said that the media of “Jammu is also fanning the fire.”

“They are showing the true colors and their hatred against the people of Kashmir is becoming apparent. ”

Untoo said that a “cricket match is played between two sides and people have a choice to support one side. Everybody has his sympathy and has a right to support their team. ”

Commenting on the slapping of draconian anti-terror laws,,(UAPA) on the medical students of GMC and SKIMS Srinagar, Untoo said that these steps are uncalled for and “actually aimed at ruining the careers of Kashmiri students.”

He demanded the filing of cases against those who have been thrashing and abusing Kashmiris.