Far Cry 6 gamers receive emails from El Presidente character

'Far Cry 6' players are receiving emails about their gaming skills.

Ubisoft - the video game company behind the title - has adopted an innovative new strategy of engaging players, sending them emails that encourage them to test themselves in the game once again.

The emails are actually written in a way that suggests they're being sent from Giancarlo Esposito's El Presidente character, as he taunts the players to jump back into the game.

Brendan Sinclair - the managing editor of GamesIndustry.biz - explained on Twitter that an increasing number of games are being "designed to maximise engagement".

But now, he said they're even emailing gamers if they "stop playing them".

Meanwhile, Ubisoft is reportedly working on the next 'Splinter Cell' game.

The new 'Splinter Cell' game is apparently designed to appease fans who were not happy with the recent focus on VR games.

Ubisoft reportedly held testing sessions with some upcoming titles just before E3. The company showed an early build of 'Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time' remake, as well as a 'Splinter Cell'-style game.

The game combined popular elements from previous 'Splinter Cell' titles, along with new elements that may have taken inspiration from the recently rebooted 'Hitman' series.

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