Brett Favre Still Has $228,000 To Repay Of Embezzled Money He Received

Brett Favre (Image: Getty)

Brett Favre has $228,00 that he still owes the Misisppi’s auditors office, and he could be sued if he does not pay up. Auditor Shad White said that this amount is interest on the original $600,000 that was given to Favre and that he repaid earlier in the week. The amount that should be repaid totals $828,000.

The Hall of Famer received this money in welfare funds in early 2020. It was later revealed that this was illegally attained money from a massive Missippi embezzlement scheme. Owners of two non-profits, who invited to the football great to speak, were indicted on a state and federal level. Although Favre is not facing any criminal charges, he had to return the funds – and still has more to repay.

“If he does not pay that ($228,000) within 30 days of our demand, the AG will be responsible for enforcing the payment of the interest in court,” White said about the possibility of Favre being sued.


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