Taylor Swift Celebrates Halloween By Dressing Up As A Squirrel

Taylor Swift Halloween Costume 2021 (Image:Instagram)

Taylor Swift definitely had fun dressing up for Halloween this year. The singer went brown and fuzzy for this year’s costume. Dressed as a squirrel, Swift revealed her costume to fans on Instagram. The costume is definitely one for the books, as it’s unlike any other this year.

Sporting a squirrel suit complete with a bushy tail and squirrel head, Swift surprised her fans on Instagram with her cute-yet-hilarious costume.

This wasn’t the only time the popular singer has dressed up as an animal. On New Year’s Eve back in 2020, Swift tweeted a photo of her in a bear suit, with the caption, “bye 2020, it’s been weird.”

The singer was in the news earlier this year when a man tried to break into New York City apartment.


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