Doctor's and no alcohol for Noel Gallagher!

Noel Gallagher has felt ill since he stopped drinking.

The former Oasis guitarist made the decision to go sober for three months after boozing on wine and cider during the COVID-19 lockdowns, but since he went teetotal he has "felt like s**t".

On the advice of his wife, Sara MacDonald, Noel went to see his doctor to find out what's wrong.

Speaking on 'The Matt Morgan Podcast', he said: "To be honest, ever since I’ve gone on the wagon I’ve felt like s**t. I was saying this to my missus, ‘F***ing hell I don’t feel well.’ She was like, ‘How long has this been going on?’ I was like, ‘Funnily enough, since I stopped f***ing drinking.’ It’s a weird thing. I don’t feel great. I managed to go and see the doctor and they went, ‘What is it?’ I went, ‘I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, I don’t take drugs and I go to the gym three times a week, I should feel better than I do.’ It’s been two months now, I should feel a lot better than I do. I look alright but I don’t feel great.”

Although he has felt ill since laying off alcohol, Noel insists he hasn’t missed drinking because he’s been staying in, spending time his family and working on new music.

Noel - who has two sons, Donovan, 14, and Sonny, 10, with Sara - added: “I don’t miss it because I’ve not been going out. If I go out then I guess it’s different. You don’t want to be drinking orange juice, nobody wants to see that.”

Announcing his sobriety stint, Noel admitted he had developed a taste for strong local cider brewed near his Hampshire home.

Appearing on BBC Radio 2, he said: "I got right into drinking at home.

“I drank a lot of red wine.

“Because I live out in Hampshire, the local cider is pretty spectacular.

"The good thing about country cider is you can’t have that much of it or you lose the use of your legs.

"I’m going to do three months which takes me up to the middle of December and then I can get in training for Christmas.”

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