Chris Daughtry Postpones Upcoming Shows After Daughter Hannah’s Unexpected Death

Chris Daughtry's daughter Hannah Daughtry (Image: Instagram)

American Idol alum Chris Daughtry has postponed all of his upcoming shows after his daughter unexpectedly died.

“Due to the unexpected death of Chris and Deanna Daughtry’s daughter, Hannah, all currently scheduled shows for the coming week for Daughtry have been canceled or postponed,” the band said on Twitter and Instagram.

“The Daughtry family thanks you for your understanding and respectfully asks for privacy during this very difficult time. Further details will be made available at a later date. The investigation into this tragic death is still ongoing,” the post continues.

In a post on his personal Instagram account, Daughtry said he is still processing what happened.

“I am still processing the last 24 hours. I am absolutely devastated and heartbroken,” he wrote.

“Thank you all for your kind words and condolences. They are truly felt and appreciated. I am now taking time be present with my family as we attempt to heal from this devastating loss,” he continued.

Details regarding the circumstances of his daughter’s death have not been made public.



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