Tech Support for Seniors: 7 Benefits for greatly improving quality of life

Whether you’re a “Boomer” or a “Zoomer,” technology has become one of life’s necessities. From checking your bank account through your banking app or connecting with family over the video, it has become part of our lives, whether it’s a welcome addition or not. Tech support is crucial to give you the confidence to roll up your sleeves and try things that you wouldn’t do alone with technology.

Technology is great until something goes wrong. When that happens, it can cause a lot of stress and frustration for seniors. The elderly remember how we used to do things before all these gadgets came along. But just like anything else, from washing machines to microwaves, if you have the right tech support, those gadgets can make life much easier.

Computers and smartphones offer several benefits to seniors and expand their world in ways that improve health and well-being. You can now visit anywhere you want through a virtual tour and take just about any type of class you like online.

When technology is coupled with a tech support provider that specializes in working with seniors, it can remove the frustration and make technology helpful instead of stressful.

At PC Handyman, we love helping our elderly clients get more fulfilling experiences with their technology that enriches their lives instead of enraging.

How Do Seniors Benefit from Using Technology?

Provides Mental Stimulation

Studies have shown that continuing to learn new things keeps your brain creating strong neural connections. Whether you prefer online games or love diving into free online college courses, technology makes it possible to find stimulating activities at the click of a button.

Connecting With Friends & Family

Computers and mobile devices make it possible to chat with a friend from halfway across the world and see all the new photos of grandchildren as they’re shared on social media.

Being isolated is a danger for many seniors. It’s important to have human connections, and technology has made it possible to do that more easily. You can even locate and reconnect with long-lost friends and classmates for a video chat to reminisce.

Improving Quality of Life for the Disabled

Many seniors suffer from conditions that make it difficult for them to get around like they used to. Just a trip to the grocery store can be a major chore.

You can now order just about anything you like online and have it delivered to your door. There are also telehealth visits to check in with a doctor for non-emergency needs and church services are also being shown virtually now as well. These are just some of the many ways that a person’s life can be enriched even if they can’t get out a lot.

Improved Safety

When you look back on life before cell phones, it seems crazy that people would just go on long car trips with no phone. Of course, we had some roadside payphones back then to fill in the gaps, but most of those are gone now.

But imagine having a car break down on the side of an empty road. A cell phone is a lifeline to get help. It also gives friends and family peace of mind knowing they can touch base with their loved ones just about any time.

Benefits of Seeking Expert Tech Support for Seniors

Technology is more fun, more helpful, and less stressful when you have a handy tech support pro to go to when you need help.

Here are some ways we regularly help seniors with their technology needs.

Computer & Laptop Repair

When your computer is acting up, your normal routine can be disrupted. You can also lose access to important work or home files. Instead of struggling with a problematic device, you can get quick relief by calling or texting us for computer repair help.

We can come to you to make things easy. In some cases, we may be able to solve a problem through remote computer repair (even more convenient!).

Some of the warning signs that you’ll want to get expert help for:

  • PC has become very slow
  • Websites that you didn’t mean to visit keep popping up (this could be adware)
  • Your keyboard isn’t working properly
  • Your PC won’t turn on or has trouble turning on (i.e., you may have to try several times)
  • Files look corrupted when you try to access them
  • Your software isn’t working properly (i.e., it might crash shortly after being used)

You Wish You Knew How to Use a Certain Software Better

There is no reason to struggle with an email program or a word processing tool. Get a tutoring session from us and become a wiz at any website or software you’d like.

Often, the difference between struggling and being a pro in an application is just knowing the shortcuts of getting around and learning little tips. For example, using the very top search box in Microsoft Word can get you to just about any function (setting margins, adjusting paragraphs, etc.). Having a computer coach can make all the difference!

Virus, Malware, Other Security Concerns

Phishing attacks have risen 220% during the pandemic. It’s a dangerous online world if you’re not properly protected.

Just having an antivirus is not enough. It’s important to also have other protections like email filtering, tools that block malicious websites, and secure password managers.

Every senior should get help from an IT pro when it comes to cybersecurity and ensuring their devices and data are safe. Identity theft and credit card fraud are all too common, so it’s important to have your technology protected.

Is Your Computer Running Slow? Get a Deal on a Tune-Up Today!

Get a big discount on a complete computer tune-up. Our normal rate is $125/hour, you can get a tune-up now for just $75.12. You can drop off your device or get the service remotely.

Contact us today to schedule your PC tune-up. Questions? Call us at 216-243-9662