GOP Gerrymandering In Georgia Pits Democratic Incumbents Bourdeaux & McBath In Primary Contest

WASHINGTON, DC - NOVEMBER 30: Rep.-elect Lucy McBath (D-GA) celebrates after drawing the number 18 in the lottery draw for congressional offices November 30, 2018 in Washington, DC. As part of the new member orientation process, newly elected...

Two incumbent Democrats in the United States House of Representatives have been pitted against each other over the control of a newly-drawn seat representing the 7th congressional district of Atlanta, Georgia, thanks to partisan gerrymandering by Republicans.

Rep. Lucy McBath (D-Georgia) announced on Monday that she will mount a primary challenge against Rep. Carolyn Bourdeaux (D-Georgia) in a contest that has sparked a bitter rivalry inside the Democratic Party.

Neither woman had any qualms about calling foul on the GOP’s ploy to disenfranchise Democratic voters, especially those of color.

“It is no mystery why Republicans and the NRA have decided I’m their top target. As a Black woman, activist, and mother on a mission — they would like nothing more than to stop me from speaking truth to power about the gun lobby and Republican Party in Congress,” McBath, whose seat represents Fulton, Cobb and DeKalb counties, said in a statement. “So let me make something very clear: I refuse to stand down.”

Bourdeaux, in a statement of her own, touted her “deep connections with the diverse communities in our district. Local leaders have my cell phone number.”

Bourdeaux argued that she is the candidate best prepared to serve the residents of the 7th district.

“I am the Gwinnett representative in the race for a predominantly Gwinnett district,” she said. “The people of the 7th deserve a representative that understands and cares about their needs and has a record of fighting for them in Washington.”

The McBath-Bourdeaux showdown is one of three anticipated primary battles between six incumbent House lawmakers in the 2022 midterm cycle.

Democratic Reps. Sean Casten and Marie Newman of Illinois will square off for a new seat that emerged from redistricting around Chicago.

In West Virginia, Republican Reps. Alex Mooney and David McKinley will duke it out to represent the northern part of the state, which lost a congressional seat due to redistricting.


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