Ricky Gervais reveals ambition to release 'serious' music

Ricky Gervais is planning to release "serious" music.

The 60-year-old comedian has composed and written lyrics for 'Just Three Things' - which will form part of the 'After Life' soundtrack - but Ricky is anxious about releasing the record.

Ricky - who shot to fame as David Brent in 'The Office' - said: "I wrote a song with Andy Burrows for 'After Life'.

"It’s not in the show but the instrumental is, because it’s really good - we recorded it and I’ve even cut an ­unofficial video for it.

"But I’m worried about putting it out because I’m embarrassed as it’s a real song.

"I can put out ironic songs as David Brent but I haven’t written a serious song in 40 years so I’m ­thinking, ‘What if it’s crap?’ - but it’s not, it’s really good."

The new series of 'After Life' is set to be released on Netflix in 2022.

But Ricky is worrying about how his new record might be received.

The comedian - who previously starred in a new wave pop duo called Seona Dancing - told The Sun newspaper's Bizarre column: "It’s not me being me, it’s a song about 'After Life' and Andy’s ­singing so I wouldn’t need to tell ­anyone that I’ve written it but still.

"There’s something in it when you’re being serious.

"You’re worried about the critical reaction more than when you’re being stupid because when you’re being stupid and somebody goes, ‘That’s ­rubbish’ you’re like, ‘I don’t give a f***’.

"If you’re being really serious and someone says, ‘It’s rubbish’, you go, ‘F***, is it?’

"And also, music means so much to me and there’s so many artists I’m so in awe of, for me to suddenly go: ‘I can do that.’ Plenty of other people have thought that and failed."

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