Billie Eilish 'cried every day' with nerves before Saturday Night Live

Billie Eilish "cried every single day" for a week before hosting 'Saturday Night Live'.

The 19-year-old singer was the guest presenter on last weekend's edition of the comedy sketch show and she admitted she was terrified for days leading up to the high profile TV appearance.

She admitted: “Preparing for ‘SNL’ was f**king nuts, dude. It was literally alien. I cried every single day of the week. No joke at all,” explaining how she loves acting but “that’s not my world."

Recalling going through a table read beforehand, she added: “I went to the Green Room, cried, and came back. I was just scared. It’s like, it’s ‘SNL’… These amazingly talented actors are surrounding a table where, somehow, I’m the main course.”

The 'Happier Than Ever' hitmaker's nerves caused a physical reaction too as she was sick with anxiety.

She told SiriusXM's Howard Stern: “I had a full-body reaction. I threw up on a plane coming here. I had crazy s**ts when I got here like you wouldn’t believe… you know, ones where you have to get fully naked on the toilet.

“I’ve been anxious and nervous… just because it’s not my world and I’m so petrified of people thinking I suck."

Fortunately, Billie's nerves quickly disappeared once she stepped out for the dress rehearsal in front of a live audience.

She said: “As soon as I saw the crowd and felt their joy, it was like I wasn’t nervous. It was relieving, somehow… I was like, ‘Oh, this is actually really incredible, and I don’t have to worry. This is just for fun.’”

In her opening monologue on the show, the 'bad guy' singer joked her mom had told her to give up on her acting ambitions.

She said: "I spent a lot of years pretending to be somebody that I’m not. Basically acting. And somebody wise once told me: ‘Billie, you should never, ever act…that person was my mom...

"My parents were both actors and so was my brother. It was my dream to be in a movie, and I remember when that dream died.

"I was nine. My mom wrote a film inspired by her life - this is true - she cast my brother Finneas as her son. She played the mom. And in the movie she had no daughter! So yeah, I got the hint! But my mom is my best friend."

The Grammy Award winner then welcomed her mother to the stage, who was wearing a sweater emblazoned with the slogan 'Finneas' mom' to continue the joke before noting that "[the film story] is true. It literally happened!"

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