Trump Flew On Jeffrey Epstein’s Private Jet At Least 7 Times

Jeffrey Epstein's mugshot (Image: NY Corrections)

Newly released flight lots show that former President Donald Trump took at least seven trips on sexual predator Jeffrey Epstein‘s private plane, the “Lolita Express.” This is six more flights than were previously known.

The jet is nicknamed after the Vladimir Nabokov novel, Lolita, whose title character is a young girl abused by a pedophile.

The flight logs, released during the trial of Ghislaine Maxwell, show that Trump flew on the plane four times in 1993, and once each in 1994, 1995 and 1997. Only the 1997 flight was known prior to the release of the logs on Monday.

Trump is one of multiple celebrities to have ridden the jet belonged to the sexual predator. Among the other passengers on the private plane were former President Bill Clinton, lawyer Alan Dershowitz, former Sen. George Mitchell and Prince Andrew.

The 118 pages of flight logs were made public on Monday. Clinton is listed as having flown on the jet nine times. Neither he nor Trump have been linked to any of Epstein’s sex crimes.

The jury has begun deliberations in the trial against Maxwell, who was accused of aiding Epstein in the trafficking of underage girls. Epstein was convicted of sex crimes and killed himself in a federal jail. Maxwell allegedly procured girls for Epstein to abuse, and in the closing arguments on Monday, the prosecution described Maxwell as Epstein’s “right hand.”

If the jury finds her guilty of all charges, the 59-year-old could face the rest of her life behind bars.

In 2020, after the British socialite was charged with involvement in the human trafficking, pedophilia and abuse, Trump said, “I wish her well.”

Alison Moe, Assistant Manhattan U.S. Attorney, said during the closing arguments, “Maxwell was a sophisticated predator who knew exactly what she was doing.” She added, “She caused deep and lasting damage to young girls.”


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