Häagen Heart Hunting: Read Your Fortune in a Häagen-Dazs Mini Cup!

A Special Way to Enjoy Häagen-Dazs Ice Cream!

A Häagen-Dazs mini cup is the perfect way to treat yourself after a hard day of work. With its smooth taste and elegant sweetness, this ice cream is truly a blissful moment with each spoonful.

But upon removing the lid, have a look at the inside before taking your first bite.

After looking closely, you might see a heart-shaped indentation on the ice cream's surface.

The dent, nicknamed the Häagen Heart (Japanese), occurs naturally during the ice cream's production process. These formations come in many different shapes. With comments such as "They're a bit like fortune-telling," this phenomenon has become a buzzed-about topic on social media.

After hearing these comments from ice cream fans, Häagen-Dazs Japan conducted a survey in 2016 by analyzing around 1,000 mini cups. It was later discovered that these Häagen Hearts can be categorized into 11 varieties.

11 Types of Häagen Hearts

What makes a person feel happy depends on the timing of life events. There are times when you may think to yourself "It would be wonderful for these calm and peaceful days to continue." Likewise, you may occasionally ponder, "I wish there were some exciting changes in my life."

But what kind of happiness do these Häagen Hearts represent?

Hearts That Will Make You Feel Uplifted Throughout the Day!

Smile Heart

The Smile Heart appears 26.5% of the time, so there's a high probability of encountering it in your mini cup. Of course, eating a Häagen-Dazs treat will bring a smile to your face. But it may also be a sign of good fortune coming your way.

Baby Heart

Besides the indentation, there's an additional small heart (see photo above). This Baby Heart supposedly means you may encounter or meet someone new. It only appears in a mini cup 3.6% of the time.

Kiss Heart

The Kiss Heart only appears 2% of the time. Flat and even from top to bottom, this indentation resembles a kiss mark. If you come across this Kiss Heart, an exciting event that will lift your spirits might be awaiting you.

Clear Heart

The Clear Heart is attractive due to its symmetrical shape. There's only a 0.2% chance of finding one, so this is a rare Häagen Heart. If you're lucky enough to encounter one, you'll likely have a heartwarming day.

Positive Heart

The Positive Heart is also rare, appearing only 0.1% of the time. As you can see in the above photo, the center of the ice cream raises up in the shape of a heart. Just looking at this Häagen Heart will give you the energy to take on your next challenge!

Is This a Sign of Upcoming Changes?

Pokkari Heart

This Häagen Heart features a round shape floating on top of the ice cream. This could be a sign that you're experiencing some dissatisfaction in your life. While eating some Häagen-Dazs ice cream, it might be wise to spend some time reflecting on yourself. The Pokkari Heart shows up 15.3% of the time.

Fickle Heart

The Fickle Heart features a raised area on one side. The odds of receiving this Häagen Heart are relatively low at 11.1%. When you do come across this heart, it might indicate a future event that's a bit troublesome. However, this might be a good opportunity to meet the new you!

Teary Heart

The Teary Heart appears 10.4% of the time. This ice cream has a raised section in the shape of a single teardrop. Perhaps it could be a sign of an upcoming event that shakes you up. But please remember that tears are not only shed during times of sadness. A happy event with tears of joy might also be coming your way!

Goodbye Heart

The Goodbye Heart has an indentation on the left side and right side, separated by a shape in the middle. However, remember that goodbyes also represent new beginnings. People experiencing a hazy, unsettling kind of feeling inside might benefit from taking a step forward and trying something new. This Häagen Heart shows up just 2.1% of the time.

If This Heart Appears, Be Ready for a Special Day!

Perfect Heart

The Perfect Heart has a beautifully proportioned shape, making it the envy of even the Clear Heart. This Häagen Heart is so rare that not a single Perfect Heart appeared in the survey of 1,000 mini cups.

If you're one of the lucky few who encounter this heart, good fortune and happiness appear to be coming your way!

A Heart That Doesn't Fit Any Category

Incipient Heart

Despite many varieties of Häagen Hearts, the Incipient Heart doesn't seem to fit any specific category. It's almost like a symbol that represents your future potential. If you ever come across a new type of heart, be sure to give it an original name. The Incipient Heart appears 7.7% of the time.

Click here for the Häagen Heart Hunting official homepage

What Causes the Häagen Hearts to Appear?

Why do these various shapes appear inside Häagen Dazs Japan's mini cups?

To delight their fans, Häagen Dazs Japan tries to fill each mini cup with as much ice cream as possible.

After the cup is filled with ice cream, something called a tamper-evident film (making it easy for consumers to discern whether or not the product has been tampered with) is placed on top. As a result, the raised peak of the ice cream gets squashed and flattened out, creating an assortment of interesting shapes and indentations.

If You Find a Unique Häagen Heart, Share a Photo on Social Media!

Who knows what kind of Häagen Heart you'll find today?

On Instagram and Twitter, many Häagen-Dazs fans are uploading photos of their discoveries with #HaagenHeart. If you encounter your own unique Häagen Heart, try sharing a photo of it on social media!

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