How to Ensure Secure Streaming on Twitch

▲ Photo by Caspar Camille Rubin on Unsplash

While popularity and visibility may be the dream of many content platforms and creators, the reality is that fame has its downsides too. Twitch is one of the major streaming platforms of today, with over 140 million active monthly users and millions of streamers trying to make it big. Yet both Twitch’s content creators and users are also some of the biggest targets on the web for hackers and internet bullies.

Being a content creator means maintaining a tough balance between sharing one’s personal world with viewers and retaining some privacy. Meanwhile, users also face potential devastation as their accounts get hacked and stolen, even more recently.

Learn about the security implications of streaming on Twitch and what both creators and viewers can do to protect themselves.

A Real Threat

In 2018, popular gaming streamer Dr. Disrespect (Guy Beahm) had to abruptly end a stream when someone shot at his house. After that, the streamer took a bit of a hiatus from streaming and is now back in the seat again. But it’s still unclear what exactly happened, and the streamer is staying tight-lipped about the whole situation. Scary as that is, he wasn’t the first content creator to have their home and life threatened, and he certainly wasn’t the last.

Meanwhile, Twitch users recently bombarded the Twitch subreddit with complaints about hacked accounts. It turns out the culprit was a popular browser game called Town of Salem that suffered a data breach back in January. Automated account takeover bots used credential stuffing to get into those gamers’ Twitch accounts.

While the latter is partly users’ fault, Twitch doesn’t currently prevent automated logins, which is standard security practice, making the situation worse. Hackers could also abuse the platform’s monetary system with stolen account payments being made to fake accounts.

How to Stay Safe When Streaming on Twitch

Content creators need to take their personal and online safety into their own hands because Twitch won’t do it for them. Here are some things to keep in mind.

Be Careful of Revealing Too Much Online

Many content creators tend to show off large parts of their lives, including the inside (and sometimes outside) of their houses. With enough footage and other personal information shared online via social media, hackers can cobble together a picture of someone’s personal life.

The many incidents over the past few years (YouTube creators included) prove that it’s all too easy for strangers to find out where someone lives. So be extra diligent about reviewing what people see when something new is posted online.

Use Strong Account Security Settings

Making sure accounts (especially Twitch accounts) are secure should be the number one priority. Remember to:

  • Use a strong and unique password.
  • Enable two-factor authentication.
  • Save the password on a secure password manager if necessary, but never write it down or reuse it.
  • Review the privacy settings on the account.
  • Never log into the account using public Wi-Fi.

Adopt Good Cybersecurity Habits

That security mindset shouldn’t just begin and end with the Twitch account. Online security requires a holistic approach as it takes just one mistake to let an unpleasant worm work its way through.

For a streamer, staying anonymous by using a VPN when connected to the internet at all times is a good idea. The benefits of VPN are that it encrypts a device’s connection and secures your data to improve your privacy online. This makes it much harder for hackers to identify and locate someone because they can’t look at their browsing history or accounts. Having a VPN service also means hackers can’t pin down a person’s physical location. Also, if you’re wondering, “how much does a VPN cost?” Then you’ll be happy to know that you can ensure your privacy and online safety for a low price. This way, choosing the right services doesn’t have to be a hassle.

Don’t Reveal Personal Information

Unfortunately, keeping personal information off the internet has become harder than ever. Least of all because it’s hard to control what others post online. Content creators need to have a chat with their friends and loved ones about online privacy and consent.

Ensure they know what type of information/media is okay to post and whether they need to ask for permission first.

What Can Twitch Viewers Do?

Like streamers, users can create unique, strong passwords and adopt better password habits, and use cybersecurity tools. The aim is to improve one’s online privacy and safety through a well-rounded approach. Users can also use VPNs when streaming to prevent certain types of hacking attempts like man-in-the-middle attacks.


Twitch’s popularity ensures that its users and content creators have big targets painted on their backs. Unfortunately, there’s not much people can do about the increased attention from hackers and other dangerous people.

The only way to not be a future victim is to cover as many bases as possible and employ good online security habits and tools.

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