Is alcohol-free beer becoming the latest functional drink?

When you're in need of some sunshine, why not grab a beer to top up your vitamin D levels? That's the idea behind Sunbrew, the latest creation from Corona -- a world first that could whet the industry's appetite for a whole new drinks category, with alcohol-free alternatives that are also functional.

After being stripped of their intoxicating substance, are alcohol-free beers now on the road to becoming functional drinks? In this way, they would echo the wellness beverages that promise to boost health or wellbeing thanks to added minerals, vitamins or amino acids. And that's one gamble the Corona beer brand is betting on with its latest creation, Sunbrew.

The Mexican brand plans to launch this new version of its beer in Canada this month, no doubt making history in the world of hops. This new beer contains vitamin D, providing 30% of the Canadian authorities' daily recommendations. Corona said that it had to conduct several tests before finding the right formula, as vitamin D is sensitive to oxygen and light, and does not dissolve easily in water. And the company hasn't just chosen any time of the year to launch its new product. It waited for winter, a time when we are most lacking in vitamin D due to reduced exposure to sunlight, the main source of this vital substance.

This alcohol-free beer enriched with vitamin D contains just 60 calories per 33 centiliter serving. This innovation effectively adds a whole new category to the flourishing world of alcohol-free and low-alcohol drinks -- a booming sector whose promising future has many manufacturers salivating. By 2024, sales of these alternatives to traditional alcoholic drinks are forecast to jump 31%, according to the IWSR consultancy. These new recipes appeal to young consumers who prefer to drink less, while expecting their drinks -- whether alcoholic or not -- to do them good.

© Agence France-Presse