TL Bjergsen talks first LCS games as a mid laner since 2020, recovery from COVID-19

Source: Parkes Ousley

Team Liquid played their first two games of the 2022 LCS Lock In today, and while the LCS debuts of top laner Gabriël "Bwipo" Rau and AD carry Steven "Hans sama" Liv were subjects of interest, most eyes focused on the return of Søren "Bjergsen" Bjerg to professional mid lane play. TL's match against Dignitas in Group B of the LCS Lock In was the first match Bjergsen has played since the 2020 World Championship, but after a year in the head coach position for TSM, Bjergsen unretired.

On one of his career most-played champions in Orianna, Bjergsen went up against Ersin “Blue” Gören in what ended up being a stomp of Dignitas by Team Liquid. In TL's second game against Evil Geniuses, Bjergsen chose Viktor as the opponent for Joseph "jojopyun" Joon-pyun in his LCS debut, and while Bjergsen was able to handle the youngster in lane, his play was less sharp as the game progressed.

After a narrow loss to EG, Bjergsen joined the press and spoke to Inven Global about his first LCS matches in a Team Liquid jersey.

"I thought it was not as good as I would like it to be, but it could be worse," Bjergsen said. "I think my laning was decent, but I think I could have played in the mid and late game better on Viktor, especially in the two really key teamfights we lost. That's always going to really sting.

I think there are a lot of good things for me to take away from today. I'm not super down on how I played. I've been very sick with COVID for the past week so I haven't been able to practice as much as I would like. This situation was going to lead to slightly worse play, but I think that I still played okay and I know that I'll keep improving."

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