This seatbelt for shopping bags prevents them from tipping over in the car

An American inventor has come up with a rather special seatbelt, especially dedicated to bags. It is designed to hold shopping bags upright and in a perfectly stable position once they're placed on the floor of the front of the vehicle.

Sometimes the most useful inventions are also the simplest. That's what can be said about Bago, created by Dan Stevenson. Bago is a new kind of seatbelt, to be carefully stored in the car and put into use when needed. On one side, it locks directly inside the glovebox and, at the other end of the strap, it has a clip, intended for the bag.

Once attached, the bag and its contents will be protected even with sudden braking or change of direction. This way, you'll no longer risk having vegetables and roasted chicken rolling around along the floor of the car. Above all, it allows the driver to avoid constantly turning their eyes to check their package, or even bending down dangerously, to reposition the bag. By allowing drivers to concentrate more on the road, this solution is both practical and safe.

For now, Bago is only available on the Indiegogo crowdfunding platform starting at 22 dollars. First deliveries are planned for next summer.

Découvrir Bago en vidéo :

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