House Jan. 6 Committee Gets Phone Records Of Eric Trump & Kimberly Guilfoyle

Ex Fox News Host Kimberly Guilfoyle, Donald Trump Jr.'s Girlfriend, Joins Trump 2020 Campaign As Adviser (Image: Instagram)

The House January 6 committee has obtained phone records of two Trump family insiders: Former President Donald Trump‘s son Eric Trump, and Kimberly Guilfoyle, fiancée of Donald Trump Jr.

These subpoenas come as the former president continues to attack the House committee investigating the attack. He has even requested that the Supreme Court block the release of several hundred pages of notes that White House advisers made.

The middle Trump son and Guilfoyle both spoke at the “Save America” rally, which occurred before the attacks, and they made several media appearances attempting to undermine Joe Biden‘s electoral victory.

Along with several other individuals, the records for cell phone numbers associated with Trump and Guilfoyle were obtained. These records do not show the content of text messages exchanged, but do provide important information in the log date, time, length of calls and messages sent.

While it’s unclear what specific information the records contained, a committee member Zoe Lofgren (D-California), told CNN, “We’re piecing together information from the president’s inner circle and others who were in a position to see and hear what the plot was leading up to the riot.

Previously, the committee has released texts sent between Donald Trump Jr. and former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, who has since ceased cooperating with the committee. Among several exchanges, Trump Jr. wrote to Meadows, “He’s got to condemn this sh–t ASAP. The Capitol Police tweet is not enough,” Meadows responded that he agrees.


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