Tweet of the Week #164: University Entrance Exam Mixes American and British English

Last weekend, third-year high school students took their stressful two-day standardized university entrance exams. These exams will decide whether they can enter their university of choice next spring.

However, some weren’t too pleased with the tricky English comprehension test. They needed to know the difference between British and American English when counting floors.

The National Center for University Entrance Examinations does warn all the test-takers that in addition to commonly taught American English, they may use British English in the test questions because they deem it essential that students understand the diversity of vocabulary, spelling and pronunciation used in international settings.

Too wicked


“To use British-English on the common test is too wicked”

US vs UK Floors







“For those who don’t know:

America is like Japan

1st floor -> 2nd floor ->

In England:

Ground floor -> 1st floor -> 2nd floor ->

In other words, the second floor for the US and Japan is the first floor in the UK.”

The Japanese counter for building floors

In Japanese, you combine numbers with a counter, a single-kanji character, to count things—people (人), cars (台), long and thin objects (本), flat and thin objects (枚) and so on. In total, the Japanese language has about 500 counters, but not all of them are commonly used. Let’s have a quick look at the counter for building floors: 階.

Note that 3階 can be read さんかい or さんがい. The latter being more frequent.

Floor numeral	Japanese	Romaji
1	一階	ikkai
2	二階	nikai
3	三階	sankai, sangai
4	四階	yonkai
5	五階	gokai
6	六階	rokkai
7	七階	nanakai
8	八階	hakkai
9	九階	kyuukai
10	十階	jyuukai


Japanese	Romaji	English
共通テスト	kyoutsuu tesuto	Unified university entrance exams
イギリス英語	igirisu eigo	British English
流石に	sasuga ni	As expected, naturally
鬼畜	kichiku	Savage, brutal, wicked
為に	tame ni	For
同じく	onajiku	Likewise
つまり	tsumari	In other words

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