Kanye West Pleads For Final Edit Of Documentary ‘Jeen-Yuhs: A Kanye Trilogy’

Kanye West (Image: Getty)

Days before his new Netflix documentary Jeen-Yuhs: A Kanye Trilogy, is set to premiere at the Sundance Film Festival, rapper Kanye West has taken to Instagram to request edit access.

“I’m going to say this kindly for the last time. I must get final edit and approval on this doc before it releases on Netflix. Open the edit room immediately so I can be in charge of my own image. Thank you in advance,” is the full message posted.

The first act of the documentary, dubbed Act 1 (Vision) will be shown on January 23 as part of Sundance’s virtual lineup. It is then intended to release on Netflix on February 16, and it seems West is most concerned with editing the documentary before it reaches the widest possible audience.

Clarence “Coodie” Simmons and Chike Ozah (Coodie & Chike), are the duo that directed the film, which is compiled from years of footage they personally captured of West beginning in 2002 when he was a relatively-unknown record producer, going all the way through his rise to superstardom, and even recording him on the presidential campaign trail.

Coodie told Variety that he and Ozah fought for the final cut of the film. “I needed to tell this story,” he said. “It’s not about making Kanye likable or not. The footage doesn’t lie. What makes the film special is that it’s not something definitive; it’s his journey through my vision.”

Along with its Netflix premiere, jeen-yuhs will show in theaters for one day on February 10. You can watch the trailer here:


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