Maximizing SEO for Cryptocurrency

The rise of cryptocurrency cannot be stopped. While there are sure to be ups and downs going forward, the existence of crypto has changed the way things work forever. It is becoming more widespread and gaining acceptance in the mainstream markets every day. But competition is increasing at the same time, making SEO vital.

However, search engine optimization (SEO) works a bit differently for crypto. While the same requirements exist for crypto SEO, including the need for technical, on-page, and off-page optimization, the space moves so quickly that some things are more important to tackle than others.

If done right, SEO can elevate the success of a cryptocurrency to the next level, and it is equally true of everything in the crypto space. It is especially true when one considers the limitations set on crypto advertisements on some platforms. Continue on to learn the ins and outs of maximizing SEO efforts for cryptocurrency.

Why SEO Is So Important

Search engine optimization is important for anyone who operates a site online. Without it, it is almost impossible for a business to reach its full potential. Part of this is because the practice is more common now, meaning competitors are actively utilizing SEO to increase their own traffic. Therefore, to keep up with competitors, it is a must.

Additionally, cryptocurrency needs SEO more than most. With many platforms tightening the rules on crypto ads, it can be more difficult to gain exposure. Moreover, regulations and attitudes change quickly in the ever-evolving crypto landscape, meaning no options should be left on the table.

There is also the fact that SEO is a highly-effective tool. It increases search visibility, and websites see a noticeable increase in natural traffic when SEO is properly implemented. And with more visibility and traffic, there is a higher return on investment, making other marketing attempts more successful.

The Major Categories of SEO

Although cryptocurrency is unique and has its own challenges, the foundational strategies of SEO do not change. Of course, some of it does require tweaking or a more specific approach, but the SEO components useful for cryptocurrency include three types of optimization:

  • Technical
  • On-page
  • Off-page

SEO is complex and time-consuming, especially when implemented properly. It requires research and detailed efforts that take serious thought. However, the end result speaks for itself. Plus, not spending the time can make it difficult to come out ahead of others in the same space. And that can be disastrous in the fast-paced crypto world.

Technical SEO

Search engines gather data from the internet using crawler programs. The crawling process involves following links to find the best pages on the internet, with all of the data being stored for later through indexing. It is the first step where SEO can make a difference.

Performance plays a big role here, with how the site is coded and how fast it runs being major factors. There are many small details involved in this as well, including the domain, page structure, and mobile-friendliness of the pages. There might be a problem if the crawler cannot easily navigate the page.

Technical optimization is a great way to improve a page’s rank. It also has the added benefit of providing a better user experience, allowing the site to run more smoothly. To make matters easier, Google provides a tool that allows you to test your site’s performance. But, a great place to start is with your site’s structure.

Prioritize Site Structure

The structure of a site is its foundation. Even if you have great content, things become difficult if the structure is lacking. Moreover, all other optimization tasks become easier if you take care of the structure first. And since it directly affects crawling and indexing, it is a vital part of the process.

The structure is all about how the various pages are organized. Ideally, you want that structure to be flat, with the pages being within a few links of one another. It should all remain very easy to navigate and, more importantly, crawl. While it might be difficult to visualize, there are tools that can help.

Have a Logical URL Structure

The URL of a website plays many functions, but to a user, it is often a way to see where they are. They can look up and get a decent understanding of what page they are on and how they got there through the URL alone. And for that reason, the structure needs to make sense and be consistent.

URLs also give Google and other search engines more information about the pages, giving a better understanding of what role each page plays in a category.

Leave Breadcrumbs

Breadcrumbs navigation is another way to increase SEO, especially since Google has taken to turning URLs into breadcrumb navigation in the search engine results pages (SERPs). Breadcrumbs work by automatically giving categories and subpages internal links. It not only improves SEO, but it leads to a better user experience.

Fix Indexing Issues

Since crawling and indexing are so important, ensuring there are no problems is something that has to be done. Fortunately, it is an easy thing to check through Google’s search console. All you have to do is find the coverage report, and it should have any indexing errors listed.

There are also other in-depth crawlers and audit tools that can help inform you about the health of your site. Make sure to use a few sources to make sure all of the bases are covered.

Add Internal Links

Internal links have several functions. The first is to link to deep pages. Doing so will help crawling efforts, and it will also ensure it is easy to navigate to. Of course, a flat structure will likely prevent any truly deep pages from existing, but if they do, add links.

Another time internal links are important is in regards to authority pages. In particular, linking from those pages is effective, especially if they get crawled often.

Include an XML Sitemap

When it comes to Google, you will want to use an XML sitemap. While it might seem like an odd addition in this day and age, it is one of the most important sources for finding URLs for Google. That means that lacking a sitemap can be a big hindrance for SEO.

Use the Noindex Tag & Canonical URLs

Content plays a big role in SEO, with unique and robust content boosting a site’s ranking tremendously. There are many things to discuss when it comes to cryptocurrency, but even then, there will be times when content is repeated. That is where the noindex tag comes into play.

The noindex tag can be included in the HTML to tell search engines not to index that page. It is a great way to avoid taking a hit because of a page with thin or duplicate content.

Another way to stop the indexing of pages with slight differences is by using canonical URLs. Utilizing canonical URLs can tell Google which page is the main one and which are variations. The practice is often seen with ecommerce sites.

Maximize Page Speed

The page speed directly influences a site’s ranking, increasing organic traffic and getting you off to a great start. Users are also far more likely to remain on a page that loads quickly and without any problems. To improve your page speed, there are many ways to go about it:

  • Lessing the CDNs
  • Lazy Loading
  • Minifying CSS
  • Reducing Page Size

Page size is a great place to start. It impacts load times in a big way, so making smaller pages can definitely improve a site’s score. However, there is merit to large, impressive pages. It is really what suits your needs best. You can also lessen the number of CDNs and 3rd party scripts used as well.

On-page SEO

While the technical side of things has its own concerns, including more than those above, there are many on-page SEO topics to consider. One of the most important things is doing research on keywords and other factors that others are finding success using. They even have a role in the metadata of a page.

However, the most important aspect of on-page SEO is content. And it is not just the content of the major chunks of text throughout a site. The titles, alt attributes on images, and even the images themselves all play a role. There is even a factor of expertise, authority, and trust (E.A.T.) involved when dealing with Google.

One thing to remember when it comes to on-page SEO is that everything on the site counts. You want to make sure all of the posted content is high-quality and optimized for the best search engine results. But none of the rest matters if you do not do your research on keywords.

Do Extensive Keyword Research

Cryptocurrency is exploding in popularity, which means there are many sites out there that you have to compete against. It also means that people are searching for all kinds of things. If you want them to find you when they search, you have to utilize relevant keywords.

It is particularly important for those trying to break into the cryptocurrency game, requiring intense research and some serious creativity to find a place amongst the others. In fact, finding a niche is often the best way. Regardless, it all starts with researching keywords and seeing what the competition is doing.

Of course, Google is becoming smarter by the day, even taking user intent into consideration. However, page crawling and searching for keywords is still the primary method. But there is more to on-page SEO than loading the pages with keywords.

Structure the HTML Logically

Google relies on HTML to make sense of a page. A major example of this is the heading tags. Putting the title of a post or page in an H1 tag lets Google know the structure of the page. It is also an ideal place for your first keyword.

Subheadings should be wrapped in h2s, and the structure should continue in that way throughout, going down in heading size depending on the structure of the page and not for font-size purposes. While it is already part of the best practices, it is worth paying attention to.

Provide External Links

External links are useful for various reasons. First, they help Google understand your page in more depth. Secondly, they serve as an indicator that your page is a source of high-quality information from across the internet.

When it comes to cryptocurrency, this is particularly important. There are many people doing their own thing in the fast-paced crypto world, but there are not as many hubs of information. Becoming one amidst everything else can make your page stand out.

Write Unique and Quality Content

Quality content is not really about the prose or even the grammar. Those things are preferable, and they certainly work toward keeping people on the page. However, in the case of SEO, things like uniqueness, value, and intent matter most.

  • Unique content brings in something new. While it does not have to be anything huge, putting out something original makes a big difference when writing content that will stand out and receive recognition from search engines. Even providing specifics or tips and examples about cryptocurrency can do the trick.
  • Valuable content is about the details. It can be achieved through visuals and steps that are easy to put into practice. It can also be as simple as having the writer be someone experienced with the topic. With crypto being such a complex topic, it is even more important to have someone experienced write the content.
  • Search intent is growing in importance. While it is already vital for your page to be exactly what the person searching wants, Google’s understanding and utilization of search intent are getting more advanced by the day.

Quality content plays a major role in getting attention for your site. It is also what will cause people to stay and come back, so it is worth putting the time and effort in. And one great way to include quality content is by providing knowledge.

Have Pages That Provide Information

Every site needs to have a page dedicated to answering questions that potential visitors might have. It is even more necessary in the world of cryptocurrency, which is growing so quickly. The quick growth means that it is hard for people to keep up with everything. It also attracts new people daily.

If you have a page primarily for answering questions, or if there are places on the site for them to find information about what you are doing and the crypto world as a whole, it can only help your SEO. Moreover, doing so through a blog offers even more SEO and marketing opportunities. It is also a way to show that you are knowledgeable.

Make Dedicated Landing Pages & Localized Pages

The number of landing pages you need will vary, but it is a good idea to have one for each of the currencies offered on the site. They should be readily available to all visitors, and they should contain useful information that includes explanations about the cryptocurrency while including target keywords.

Additionally, since cryptocurrency is global, with no real boundaries and endless possibilities, there is a good chance that people from other parts of the country or world might visit your site. If you expect that traffic, or if you notice visitors that might appreciate localization, consider doing just that. It also benefits conversion rates.

Off-page SEO

Although off-page SEO is not as wide a category as the others, it is just as important. It is also the one that takes the most time and effort, especially if you really lean into it. The reason it is so time-consuming is that it requires a lot of engagement with external entities.

As the name might suggest, off-page SEO deals with the optimization that occurs away from the website. Primarily, it deals with link strategy, requiring you to venture out and earn backlinks that serve as votes of confidence from external sources. There are many great ways to do this, but it must be done.

Another important off-page asset is social media. Engaging in social media is essential if you want to be competitive online. It brings in traffic and can provide some much-needed SEO for your site. It also serves as an impressive marketing tool in and of itself.

Utilize Relevant Backlinks

There are few SEO methods that approach the usefulness of backlinks. Off-page backlinks pull in a lot of traffic, and they increase your site’s rankings tremendously. But you need to focus on quality instead of quantity. You want authority links, those that really matter.

One effective method is to become a data source, providing valuable statistics that will get attention and links from other sites. Additionally, long-form content tends to get more links than shorter content. These are both great ways to build some links, and since there is a lot to discuss with the rapidly-growing cryptocurrency market, it is not hard.

Then there are guest posts. When it comes to gaining relevant backlinks, there might not be a better way than reaching out to people that match your niche or brand and doing guest posts.

Engaging In Social Media

Social media is already a necessity in the world of cryptocurrency. Many people in the scene are active on various platforms, and it is one of the ways people keep in touch and up-to-date amidst the rapid development. Therefore, getting involved and building social media engagement with your pages is incredibly useful.

In fact, Google rewards pages that have high social media engagement. Moreover, social media and SEO strategies tend to synergize well. So why not get twice the results for half the effort? Or at least get another boost for doing something that will improve exposure and help you build a community.

Final Thoughts

Cryptocurrency and SEO are both in-depth, complicated topics that cannot be covered in a single sitting. However, the things above can drastically improve SEO, which is something that benefits cryptocurrency tremendously. And with so much competition out there, everything counts.