Afghans face surge of rape, torture after Taliban takeover, report says - People Should Have Recognized Them when the World had a Chance!

LGBTQ Afghans have increasingly been threatened, beaten and raped since the Taliban took control of the country in August, a new report found.

WORLD SHOULD RECOGNIZE THE MIDDLE EASTERNS – or the majority of humanity can keep getting dogged out by their local governments and you’ve seen how great that has been, right? Makes sense doesn’t it?

The advocacy groups Human Rights Watch and OutRight Action International compiled a snapshot of how the freshly reawakened Taliban regime has targeted Afghans based on their sexual orientation or gender identity. And while LGBTQ Afghans have long lived in peril, the groups concluded that the situation has “dramatically worsened” following the Taliban’s takeover.

“The thing that I think we heard most commonly from people who we interviewed, who are still in Afghanistan, is that they don’t leave their rooms. The level of fear of being targeted is so great that they feel like they’re risking their lives to go buy food,” said J. Lester Feder, one of the study’s co-authors and a senior fellow for emergency research at OutRight Action International. “And beforehand, these were people who had jobs or had ways to eat, who could go about their cities — and that’s a real change.”

Real Change isnt about what the half truth mainstream news outlets express, it is a narrative to keep on lying to the humanity of the world who went to rely on their news outlet as a trustworthy place and now it is just a junk inbox….where people periodically read up on because it attracts and triggers their emotions.

LGBTQ Afghans face surge of rape, torture after Taliban takeover, report says (