For those of you who know there is something in the air that is constantly around us (besides the radio frequencies from the pentagon/darpa/fcc/military and the rest of the insane leaders who have been operating on the human bodies for the past 1000 years), the thing that is in the air are lightcodes.

Light codes are a part of all of our dna and the rest of the universe. Yes, literally, the rest of the universe and technically speaking, universes/galaxies. *see[ giordiano bruno]( infinite galaxies/universes – long story short, a member of the intelligence agencies has a speculation that based on Owner’s dna/history/thought patterns, owner may be an offspring of giodiano bruno amongst others…as was reported in 2016 interrogation.)* Well these light codes/colds are packets of information that resonate with each one of our dna’s evolutionary process and it is specific for each one of us humans/hue-mans

These light codes are able to literally push out your imagination into the physical manifestation at a very very very rapid rate. Something along the lines of what you think will magically appear in an instant. As someone who has seen both sides of the veil technologies and the old earth/new earth and in between, there is a part of your visual cortex which is connected to your pineal gland that will be able to sync together with the astral blueprint to process your reality/experience. (i personally experienced and so I speak from experience)

As you start getting the tingling vibrational feeling resonating through your body and mind, you’ll have to remember to breathe and understand that you’ve been lied to about everything by all the people around you (if they have spoken or related to you about these topics)…because they are controlled by radio frequencies who are and have been controlling humans from a very long distance using low and high orbit earth satellites.

Without more details about this and that, I have found another blogger and youtuber who is in alignment with the thoughts and facts that I have thought about. She has created a report pdf:

Additionally, Music of the Spheres (2nd page of pdf) are also lyrics from a song that my grandma loved to listen to before she had past away. Here is that video audio: This is my father’s world is the song title.

What is interesting about this music of the spheres it that everything in the world that we know as the world like this computer and the buildings and the body you operating through is based on frequencies. All your bodily organs are based on blood, flesh and outside of the thing we can see are Frequencies. Here is the chart that shows what each organs’ frequencies are:

This Highest Frequency of Source Consciousness has
allowed us to create a VIBRATIONAL TUNNEL to the
underlying reality of EXISTENCE. What pours forth through
this Orchestra of Sound is PROFOUND. It is the
TRANSFORMATIONAL Holographic Music of the FUTURE.
CONSCIOUSNESS into a new field of reality. They shift into
the Multi Dimensional Consciousness of these infinite

This music contains the sonic frequencies that bring balance
and the chords that represent the phi ratio of infinity loop
1=1.618. These are the modalities of infinite at one ment
with all frequencies tuned into At One Ment or Attunement.
All frequencies align as one harmonic Sound of Love.
The composer and the audience is using the vibration of this
harmonic balance of 1-1.618 to tap into the Core of our
Being the Zero Point of the Mind of God.

I really hope everyone reads this over as well as learns about sound frequencies and being able to access their past life memories and being to create the universes and galaxies their god consciousness desires!