Reddit could follow Twitter with NFT profile photos

Reddit could allow users to set their own nonfungible tokens as profile pictures.

Twitter recently started allowed users to set NFTs as profile photos, but it's only available to paid subscribers on the Twitter Blue service.

Reddit spokesperson Tim Rathschmidt told TechCrunch that the platform's own efforts have only progressed as far as a "small, internal test".

He added: "No decisions have been made about expanding or rolling out the capability."

The site has tried out NFTs via its own dedicated page called CryptoSnoos, which has tokens for sale themed after its alient mascot, which are available to buy with Ethereum cryptocurrency.

Although the NFT overnwship would be verified, it's not known if the system would take a lead from Twitter, which includes special visuals like a badge to make it clear a user has an NFT as their profile picture.

NFTs are one-of-a-kind digital assets, and they are now being tipped to become the digital answer to collectables.

Some items are already being sold for millions of dollars.

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