David Arquette reveals graffiti crew

David Arquette has his own graffiti crew.

The 'Scream' actor - who previously worked as a professional wrestler and has been training to be a clown - has revealed another string to his bow.

peaking to Us Weekly magazine for the publication's '25 Things You Don't Know About Me' feature, he said: "I'm a graffiti artist named 'Someone'. My graffiti crew is called 'Kids Gone Bad.' "

The 50-year-old star - who is a "Certified [Bob] Ross Instructor" - revealed his Hollywood skills extend behind the camera.

He added: "I'm also a producer. I was an executive producer on 'Cougar Town' and 'Celebrity Name Game', among others."

David has also done writing, and even turned his hand to directing for TV.

He said: "I've directed episodes of 'Medium' and 'CSI: Miami'.

Despite his various projects, the actor has insisted supporting charities is the "most important" part of being famous.

David backs organisations like Healthy Humor, Feeding America and the Violence Intervention Program, and he opened up on his work highlighting the efforts of charities helping people in need.

He said: "I often work in the kitchen of the Downtown Women's Center, which focuses on helping women facing homelessness in LA.

"I don't say this to toot my own horn - I think the most important aspect of celebrity is bringing attention to charities doing incredible work."

Elsewhere in the piece, David noted he had finally "bought the rights to Bozo the Clown" after spending 15 years working on the deal.

It comes as he continues his clown training, having previously said: "I'm a huge fan of Bozo the Clown. I personally am studying to be a clown myself. I have been taking lessons. It takes a lot of training.

"You know I've never been able to juggle, but my father taught me a nose flute, and this is what I can do as my clown thing."

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