Kerry Katona has 'issues' with food

Kerry Katona has "issues with food".

The former Atomic Kitten singer is determined to get herself back on track with her diet and fitness because, after overindulging over the Christmas period, she's fallen into a cycle of comfort eating and her resulting weight gain has left her feeling self-conscious in front of her fiance Ryan Mahoney.

She wrote in her column for new! magazine: "I’ve relaunched my fitness brand M-Fit, which is really exciting. We’ve set up a new platform for weekly classes. I’m not feeling my best at the moment, so I’m looking forward to getting back into training.

"I’ve gained 2½st after overindulging at Christmas and then getting Covid. I’ve been comfort eating – biscuits are my downfall. I’m really unhappy.

"My legs are like tree trunks! I’m even starting to feel self-conscious in front of Ryan. So my aim is to lose it.

"I definitely have issues with food. If I treat myself to something, I instantly feel guilty and punish myself mentally. And then I feel depressed and eat more!"

The 41-year-old star - who has five children from previous relationships - also wants to start seeing a therapist again and is even keen to return to rehab to "reconnect" with herself.

She wrote: "I would recommend seeing a therapist to anyone.

"Even if you don’t think you have any issues, it’s always so good to talk to a person who is a professional and an outsider. Even if you’re talking about positive and happy things, it’s good to let things out.

"I need to get back into it properly myself. When I have time, I actually want to go back to rehab. You say the word “rehab” and people automatically think of drink and drugs, but it’s not.

"For me, it’s about reconnecting with who you are. It’s just about looking after our mental wellbeing. We all look after our bodies, but we should look after our minds, too. It’s so important."

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