Hundreds of ex-Playboy employees defend Hugh Hefner amid misconduct allegations

Around 500 ex-Playboy employees and Playmates have shot to Hugh Hefner's defence following accusations of misconduct.

The Playboy founder - who died in September 2017 aged 91 - has come under fire in A&E docuseries 'Secrets of Playboy', but now a number of people formerly associated with him, including his ex-wife Kimberly Hefner, and former girlfriends Brande Roderick and Sandy Kauffman Bentley, have come out in support of the late magazine publisher.

An open letter reads: "We sign our names to support Hugh M. Hefner.

"From all we know of Hef, he was a person of upstanding character, exceptional kindness, and dedication to free thought.

"He demonstrated a commitment to living an honest life beyond everything else. Our time within Hugh Hefner's Playboy and the organizations subsidiaries remains a period all of us are fond of.

"I proudly sign this letter in recognition of Hugh Hefner's character amid unfounded allegations in the A&E show."

More than 270 Playboy Bunnies - who worked in Playboy Clubs - and around 80 former Playmates, who appeared in the magazine's pages, are said to be among those who have signed their names on the letter.

Kimberly - who was married to Hefner for 21 years - said: "All people should be encouraged to share their individual experience in this world, but no one should be emboldened to re-write the truth at the expense of another person's character.

"What the allegers who speak out now seem to ignore is that there were many of us throughout the years who were there with them as well.

"I'm saddened, mostly, that these accounts take light away from true victims of sexual abuse, and hope that in time those selling lies to defame Hef find peace within their own lives."

An A&E spokesperson told Fox News Digital in a statement: "The stories shared in 'Secrets of Playboy' are the personal experiences of the documentary's participants and deserve to be told despite how difficult they may be for some to hear.

"Signatures on a letter, or a different experience with Mr. Hefner or the Playboy culture, do not negate the experiences of those who have come forward to share their truth on the series and we look forward to continuing to bring these stories to light."

This comes after Hefner's wife Crystal Hefner - who was married to him for five years until his death - confirmed she destroyed "thousands" of naked pictures of women following his passing, after 'Girls Next Door' star Holly Madison claimed he kept a "mountain of revenge porn".

Crystal wrote on Twitter: "I found thousands of those disposable camera photos you are talking about @hollymadison. I immediately ripped them up and destroyed every single one of them for you and the countless other women in them. They're gone."

Speaking about Hefner on 'Secrets of Playboy', Holly - who has claimed the Playboy Mansion was "very cult-like" - said: "His friends were always so supportive and speaking so highly of him. But that’s the only side of him they ever saw. They had no idea what was going on behind closed doors and how the women were treated.

"When I lived at the mansion, I was afraid to leave. Something that was always lingering in the back of my mind, I think since the very beginning, was that if I left there was just this mountain of revenge porn just waiting to come out.

"When you would go out with Hef, he’s taking all kinds of naked pictures of these women when we’re wasted out of our minds. And he would print out like eight copies for him and all the women, you pass them around. It was just gross."

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