Jamie Oliver almost hit Oprah Winfrey with his scooter

Jamie Oliver nearly ran over Oprah Winfrey in the mid-2000s.

The 46-year-old chef was booked as a guest on Oprah's TV series when he nearly knocked the legendary talk show host off her feet when he was riding his moped.

He shared: "I did my walk through for the recipe and they wanted me to drive in on the scooter - then you’d rehearse it.

"The next time I did it was in front of a full audience of 600 people.

"There was a family that I was cooking with for the week and then there was Oprah.

"What no one told anyone was that the cleaners came through after the test and polished the floor.

"I burst in, put my foot on the brakes and nothing happened. I was going towards Oprah and I wasn’t stopping. I flew off the bike."

The dramatic incident caused the on-set security to become "quite feisty", and there were even fears that Jamie would launch legal action after the crash.

He told the 'On Jimmy’s Farm' podcast: "Her security thought I was trying to take her out. He got quite feisty.

"The lawyers were obsessed that I was going to try and sue them and I was like ‘I don’t care, I’m fine’."

Meanwhile, Jamie previously admitted to using an app to keep track of his kids.

The TV chef - who has Poppy, 19, Daisy, 18, Petal, 12, Buddy, 11, and River, five, with his wife Jools - explained that he likes to know where his kids are at all times.

He said: "We used an app to keep track of our kids' whereabouts.

"The older girls, Jools and I are all on an app called Life360, which means we can see exactly where everybody is and the route they've gone.

"So if one of the girls says, 'I'm going to Camden Town' and I can see they've gone to Reading, then was have a problem."

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