Is this the worst level 1 play in the history of pro League?

Team BDS top laner Adam “Adam” Manaane had one of the single worst level 1 experiences in the history of professional League of Legends. And we’re here to break it down for you.

Adam managed to not only die twice before any champion had killed a single minion, but also to spectacularly destroy any chances he had of contesting the top lane. Here’s exactly what went wrong for Adam in his game against Fnatic.

What went into the worst level 1 in the LEC?

In Team BDS’ LEC game against Fnatic, things went spectacularly wrong for BDS’ top laner Adam in the first few minutes of the game. When the game began, Adam was hovering in the river bush near the top lane as the teams spread out to spot potential jungle invades. This is a standard procedure in a professional game and is meant to gather information. Fnatic top laner Martin “Wunder” Hansen chose to watch for invades from inside Fnatic’s top side river alongside jungler Marcin “Jankos” Jankowski.

When Adam sees Wunder walking towards him, he apparently presumes that Wunder is the only Fnatic champion on that side of the map. Knowing that Wunder can’t see him, Adam flashes an emote rather than beginning to walk back to his turret immediately, which would have been the more responsible thing to do. This momentary lapse in judgment ends up ruining Adam’s top lane. As Adam stands still, Jankos comes into view and suddenly Wunder’s Jayce is practically on top of Adam’s Irelia.

Adam is forced to run as Wunder burns him down. Both trade their flashes only for Adam to die near his turret regardless. From there, Wunder and Jankos invade Team BDS’ jungle looking to steal the BDS red buff. As they do this, Adam teleports back to his turret in order to get back to his lane in time to catch an early minion wave. But rather than getting into the lane early to catch his CS, Adam decides to path down into his tri-brush to fight the Jayce that is walking back to the wave.

This is the final nail in the coffin. Adam tries too hard to keep Jayce off the early wave and the fight goes for long enough that the Jayce is able to kill him yet again. At this point, Wunder is 700 gold ahead of Adam before he has even taken a single creep. Adam has no flash and no teleport to get back to the lane. Jankos even sticks around to make things worse and pressue Adam away from any early gold he might try to find. Wunder is then free to shove the first wave into Adam’s turret, recall, and return to a neutral wave state against a crippled opponent.

The game went as one might expect, with Fnatic destroying Team BDS despite Adam’s teammates’ best efforts.

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