Tekken pro Tanukana dropped from esports org after saying short men "don't have human rights"

Tekken pro Kana "Tanukana" Tani has been accused of insensitive comments towards short men, leading to Cyclops Athlete Gaming dropping her from the esports organization.

On February 15, Tanukana allegedly said that "men who are under 170 centimeters don't have human rights." Kotaku noted that the Japanese word for human rights is "jinken," but that in video games this also could reference a necessary item. This has left it a bit confusing what Tanukana exactly meant but it seems that Cyclops Athlete Gaming is not willing to take the risk if she meant it the derogatory way.

“We’ve confirmed that on February 15, Tanukana, who is a member of Cyclops Athlete Gaming, made an improper remark on a stream. Regarding this matter, we would like to offer a deep apology to the fans, sponsors, and everyone else who supports us," the organization stated.

Tanukana apologized on Twitter but has since deleted the tweet. She admitted that her stream had contained "hate speech," although she had just been appreciating tall people in a poorly expressed manner. She tweeted another apology soon after.

This time Tanukana said she was sorry to her fans and her sponsors for her "selfish remarks," which she is taking seriously and has since called "unacceptable."

"I take it seriously that my remarks during the delivery are unacceptable and that my lack of awareness has led to it. There is no excuse for disappointing you in this matter,” Tanukana said. "As a professional esports player and as a member of society, I deeply regret and apologize for betraying you.”

Since the drama, Tanukana has been released from Cyclops Athlete Gaming and all sponsors have removed her from their official pages. Tanukana pinned the tweet from Cyclops mentioning her removal from the esports organization.

While the statement may have just been a dark joke, Tanukana is a public figure like all esports players. This makes her actions and statements on stream a lot more impactful to viewers. Even if some people found it funny, others could have been hurt by Tanukana's words. Cyclops most likely wanted to avoid the controversy altogether.

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