T1 Faker: "It’s a big honor to be the first one to reach 700 games."

On Feb. 20, in the 2022 LCK Spring Split, T1 defeated Nongshim RedForce 2-1. Through today’s win, T1 collected their 10th straight victory as they continued their undefeated streak this season. Lee “Faker” Sang-hyeok was voted as the Player of the Game for games 1 and 3, playing Ahri and LeBlanc. After the match, he joined the media for an interview.

It’s your 10th straight win. How do you feel?

Everyone on the team worked really hard, so we were able to get this result. There was also some luck involved in us winning 10 straight matches. I’ll try to make this winning streak go on for longer.

How did you prepare the match against Nongshim RedForce?

We thought it would be similar to how we played against them in the first round. As for the draft, we tried to deal with the champions they’re good at playing.

You played Ahri in the first two games. In game 1, you bought Lost Chapter first, but you went with Ionian boots of Lucidity in game 2. How come?

Game 1 was rather slow so I wanted to finish building a core item first. In game 2, I wanted to move around quickly, so I chose the boots.

In the broadcast interview, you said you want to go on to win all the games. Which game are you aware of the most?

Since we had a difficult time playing against DWG KIA in round 1, we need to be careful of them. I’m also looking out for our match with Gen.G as well.

There are many players that find it hard to play Ahri well. Do you have any tips?

It’s really important to make prompt decisions when you’re playing Ahri. You have to play her more and learn through experience.

How was the feedback after game 2?

The main feedback was about how we were kicked from behind by Lee Sin. Besides that, there were some big mistakes we made here and there. We all acknowledge those individual mistakes as we prepared for the next game.

You’re the first person to play 700 games in the LCK. How does that feel?

I’ve been playing pro since season 3, and it’s a big honor to be the first one to reach 700 games. I hope there are more players that play as long as I am in the future.

What’s your secret to have been playing for such a long time?

I loved gaming since I was young. That interest and passion drove me through my long professional gaming career. Also, I believe my mindset about self-management is different. These things helped me.

Do you have some advice that you’d like to share with young pro players?

Esports have been becoming much more professional and systematic. I hope you players make esports more popular and cultural in the future.

Your next match is against DWG KIA. How will you face them?

It’s an extremely important match. Since we dropped a game against them, I’ll make sure to prepare well so that we can show our best performance.

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